

Our Most Recent Trips


I met Malena and became involved with Olive Branch through Carl Lancaster, a wonderful humble servant of God. My daughter and I have gone on numerous medical mission trips to Nicaragua and Peru.  It has been a blessing to spend this special time with my daughter. 

Medical mission trips give us an opportunity to not only meet physical needs, but spiritual needs as well.  The trips are a vehicle by which to show God's love.  Malena and Carlos do a wonderful job of organizing the trips and as a result they are successful even though sometimes they are an adventure. 

I am trying to follow Carl's example of how to be a humble servant.  It has been a blessing to not only go on the mission trips but to also be a financial supporter of Olive Branch

Sandra Cain

One of the biggest reasons Olive Branch is special to me is being around some of most wonderful people year after year. The first time participants are amazed by the work that gets done and seeing how it directly effects the lives of the patients and the their communities. The old-timers (the ones who come back year after year) are amazed at working with a community and then seeing that community thriving. Personally, seeing people that each year you have shared intensely emotional, physical, and spiritual time with is my biggest joy. Many of my “Olive Branch Veterans” are people I count as mentors, friends, colleagues & spiritual giants in my life.

That is why getting the Olive Branch Calendar of Trips is on of the highlights of the Holidays.

Brett Ferguson

Even better to learn to touch lives the way Jesus did.

My family and I have been blessed to serve with Olive Branch Ministries on several mission trips throughout the years.

I would like to highly encourage to consider doing a mission trip in a foreign country as a family, Olive Branch is a wonderful place to do so. There is nothing more special than to work side by side with your children in service to the Lord. Over the years we have had many pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-nursing, pre-physical therapy, etc…gain valuable experience working with Christian healthcare professionals in Nicaragua and Peru. Christian healthcare workers follow the example of the Great Physician, Jesus himself, who loved and healed so many during his time on earth. It is a wonderful opportunity to see conditions that you will not see in the United States, but it is even better to learn to touch lives the way Jesus did.

Monte Horne

What a blessing!

I am forever thankful that OBM has given me so much love

….love for precious children, love for new friends in Peru, love for old friends in the States, love for a foreign language, love for Peruvian food, love for teaching about Jesus, love for talking about God, love for travel, and a love to go back back every year to continue to show love and be loved.

Lara Leigh Ewing


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